The Reggio Children Project 2023, funded by National Pyjama Day

Reggio Children Project 2023

What is the Reggio Children Project 2023, funded by National Pyjama Day?

Early Childhood Ireland’s National Pyjama Day is the largest one-day fundraising event organised by the Early Years and School Age Care sector in Ireland. Now in its 19th year, the event has raised more than €3.7 million for charities that support babies and young children. Over 65,000 children at 1,300 settings across Ireland participate in National Pyjama Day each year. The funds raised on National Pyjama Day 2022 are supporting autism charity AsIAm and our new member project, inspired by Reggio Children.

The Reggio Children Project 2023, funded by National Pyjama Day aims to facilitate collaborations between educators and children and between educators and policymakers. 

It will deliver three interconnected activities, including:

1.   A Reggio Emilia Study Tour for 23 members of Early Childhood Ireland in April
2.   week-long event in participation with Reggio Children in Ireland in May, with a focus on ‘quality in education’ aimed at Early Childhood Ireland’s members, stakeholders and policy makers, to include setting visits and seminars
3.  A bespoke eLearning toolkit for members of Early Childhood Ireland available from September, inspired by the collaboration between Early Childhood Ireland and Reggio Children

About Early Childhood Ireland

Early Childhood Ireland is the leading children’s advocacy and membership organisation. We work in partnership with our members to achieve quality experiences for every child in Early Years and School Age Care settings. We advocate for an effective and inclusive Early Years and School Age Care system which values, supports and invests in childhood, children and services.

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About Reggio Children

Early Childhood Ireland is a member of the Reggio Children International Network, which includes representatives from countries around the world, and we represent the Republic of Ireland. The network contributes to disseminating the Reggio Emilia approach and supports international dialogue and the work of Reggio Children.

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