The Reggio Children Project 2023, funded by National Pyjama Day

eLearning toolkit from the Reggio Children Project 2023, funded by National Pyjama Day

The Reggio Children Project, funded by National Pyjama Day consists of three interconnected activies: the study tour to Reggio Emilia, the week-long event in Ireland and the eLearning toolkit. This third activity will be a bespoke eLearning toolkit for members of Early Childhood Ireland available towards the end of 2023, inspired by the collaboration between Early Childhood Ireland and Reggio Children.

The Reggio Emilia Approach is a world-renowned philosophy to adopt a ‘village-style approach’ to engage children, parents, and the community in the learning process. It is globally recognised as providing children with high-quality learning experiences. Within the Reggio Emilia Approach, the well-being and rights of both children and adults are put into practice. The Reggio Emilia approach reminds us that education is a right of all children and, as such, is a responsibility of the whole community. This approach has the potential to be transformative for the Irish Early Years and School Age Care sector, promising a paradigm shift in how we deliver quality to young children if we were to implement it in settings throughout the country.

We will update this page with progress on the toolkit.